The Critical Role of Core Competencies for Leadership

The Critical Role of Core Competencies for Leadership

The Church Revitalization Podcast – Episode 243 This week, we continue our deep dive into Leadership Pipeline Design. In the first week, we explored why every church needs a leadership pipeline. Last week, we detailed the various levels of leadership and why...
Levels of Leadership: The Foundation of Leadership Pipeline

Levels of Leadership: The Foundation of Leadership Pipeline

The Church Revitalization Podcast – Episode 242 In last week’s article, we explored the crucial role that a leadership pipeline plays in the health and growth of a church. We discussed the biblical basis for leadership development, the need for intentional...
The Importance of Succession Planning for Long-Term Church Health

The Importance of Succession Planning for Long-Term Church Health

In the life of every church, there comes a time when leadership must be passed from one generation to the next. Whether due to retirement, a change in calling, or unexpected circumstances, pastoral transitions are inevitable. However, many churches find themselves...