we help churches like yours break through barriers & maximize your impact.
We'll help you discover what's holding you back so you can experience healthy growth. Reach your goals as you gain organizational clarity, define an aligned pathway for making disciples, cast a compelling vision, and design actionable strategies. We aren't a group that tells you what to do; we partner with you to draw the best in you and your church.Trusted by churches and organizations for over 20 years, including:
The Malphurs Group was founded by Dr. Aubrey Malphurs in the 1990’s. The group began when churches and leaders were contacting Dr. Malphurs with a desire for hands-on help in applying the processes in his books, particularly Advanced Strategic Planning. As demand increased over the years, more team members joined the group to assist a growing number of churches. Dr. Malphurs continues to write best-selling books that help churches and leaders become healthy and effective.
Our story is defined by the partnerships we have had with churches like yours to break through barriers and maximize your impact. We have seen churches overcome their challenges and make in-roads into their communities as they see the Kingdom expand. This is our heart for you.
If your church doesn’t look like you thought it would or think it should, we are here to guide you through a process that can transform your church and maximize impact in your community.
In 2019, The Malphurs Group was approved by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization, and is recognized by GuideStar with the Bronze Seal of Transparency.
Our dream is to partner with as many churches as possible, regardless of their ability to afford help. To this end, our team is constantly developing lower-cost consulting options and recruiting donors to subsidize the consulting costs for churches that are struggling the most.
Learn more about donating to our vision here. If your church is struggling and has few financial resources, talk to a Guide about low-cost options and partial grant funding for qualifying churches.
Read our most recent annual report here.
Our team includes the best in the field of church consulting and coaching. These are leaders with significant practical experience in the local church and business, as well as extensive biblical training – which reflects our belief that what we do is deeply theological.
At the same time they are leaders in their areas of their core competencies and are intentional about practical application – bringing only the very best to your unique context.
Aubrey Malphurs
The Malphurs Group was founded by Dr. Aubrey Malphurs. Aubrey is a prolific and award-winning author of more than 20 books, with titles focusing on topics such as strategic planning, leadership development, church planting and organizational strategies. In addition to being the inspirational leader of the organization, Aubrey is a Senior Professor of Leadership and Pastoral Ministry at Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas.
Dr. Malphurs planted his first church in 1972. He has also pastored two churches in Dallas, Texas, while teaching at Dallas Seminary. Since 1997, he has devoted his time to teaching and leadership of The Malphurs Group. Aubrey has partnered with numerous organizations, both in the US and in foreign countries such as Russia, England, Philippines, Finland, Latvia, Germany, Holland, Switzerland and France. He has been a consultant and seminar leader for a wide variety of denominational organizations across the country.
Ron Donnini
CEO | Implementation Specialist
Ron Donnini is the Chief Executive Officer of The Malphurs Group. Ron is a seasoned corporate executive, with a history of effective general management experience and returning value to key stakeholders. He has held numerous executive roles, including President and CEO, in a variety of companies throughout the years. Ron’s achievements include leading a regional company with annual sales of $15-20 million and less than 100 associates to become a worldwide enterprise with sales over $120 million, over 600 associates and eighteen locations in seven countries.
Ron has been dedicated to growing leaders in industry and the local church. He has had the role of interim Executive Pastor in a large church setting. He was responsible for staff development, organizing staff for ministry deployment and oversight of daily church operations.
Ron attended the University of Miami, where he studied architectural engineering and played baseball as a relief pitcher. Ron has traveled extensively around the world, and been a keynote speaker at multiple conventions and industry conferences. He is a life-long learner, which contributes to his giftedness as a teacher. Ron has a passion for growing leaders. Ron currently resides in Arlington, Texas, with his wife Shawn, where he enjoys golfing, reading and taking in an occasional baseball game.
A.J. Mathieu
President | Lead Guide
In addition to working with churches in North America, A.J. is an international conference speaker, and has traveled to work with church leaders in Africa and South America. He spent many years in his church teaching adult Sunday school, leadership and divine design classes. He has over 20 years of experience in small business technology consulting and spent five years in local elected office. He and his wife, Erika, have two boys and live near Fort Worth, Texas.
A.J. gets energized seeing the Holy Spirit work through churches as they work through envisioning their future. He also enjoys spending time with his family, travel, home improvement projects, and camping with his boys in TrailLife USA, where he serves as a local troop Trail Guide and Chaplain.
Scott Ball
Vice President | Lead Guide
Leading a church today requires more strategy and intentionality than ever before. Scott’s passion is empowering your church with tools to make and mature more disciples.
Scott worked on staff in churches for over a decade in roles ranging from student ministry to executive leadership. Scott joined the Malphurs Group team in early 2016. He works with congregations from coast to coast, providing strategic planning for churches and the people who lead them.
Scott is a graduate of King University and Gordon-Conwell Seminary. He resides in East Tennessee with his wife and two kids.
2019 Board of Directors
Dr. Aubrey Malphurs, Founder
Dallas, TX
Ron Donnini, CEO, Board Chairman
Arlington, TX
A.J. Mathieu, President
Joshua, TX
Patrick Butts, Secretary
Arlington, TX
Brian Hopper
Baltimore, MD
Paul Patterson
Arlington, TX
Do you ever work with churches and help them implement some of the concepts that you write about?
Do you work with any denomination or group?
We work with evangelical churches and organizations that agrees with the core beliefs of The Malphurs Group. You can download a PDF of our statement of faith here.
When you consult with churches, do they request some concepts more than others?
The majority of denominations want seminars and training on change and church revitalization. Churches typically want help with their core values, mission, vision, strategy, and other areas of strategic planning. A growing number are also asking for help with designing a Leadership Pipeline.