Resources to lead your church with strategy and intentionality.
Whether you prefer the feel of a book in your hand or listening to leadership lessons while cutting the grass, we have got you covered. Through our blog, podcast, and Aubrey’s latest book titles, our heart is to see you and your ministry thrive.
Latest Release
5 Overlooked Guest Experience Questions
The Church Revitalization Podcast - Episode 277 When a guest walks into your church for the first time, they're carrying more than just a Bible or a coffee cup – they're carrying questions. Lots of them. And while your weekend service might be excellent and your...
Articles & Podcast
Top Church Volunteer Recruitment Hacks
The Church Revitalization Podcast - Episode 276 Every church leader knows the challenge: you need volunteers to run effective ministries, but finding and keeping those volunteers feels like an endless uphill battle. Whether you're trying to staff your children's...
Three Things Your Elders Should Never Do
The Church Revitalization Podcast - Episode 275 The role of church elder carries profound responsibilities and equally significant pitfalls. As someone who has spent years consulting with churches across the country, I've observed that even the most well-intentioned...
Eliminating Ministry Silos
The Church Revitalization Podcast - Episode 274 Ministry silos are a persistent challenge that affects churches of all sizes. These isolated pockets of ministry activity can develop gradually and often go unnoticed until their negative effects become apparent. Within...
Advanced Strategic Planning
Practical advice for churches to articulate their vision, implement their mission and align their identity.
“I am using this book for one of the classes in my Master’s of Arts in Leadership program. I love this book – I am not a huge reader and don’t typically enjoy all of my textbooks. However, Malphurs does an incredible job of describing how a Christian organization should plan their strategy.” – Kelsey
Re:Vision: The Key to Transforming Your Church
Pastors with a viable vision for ministry are the key to a transformed church.
“The research and content is super helpful for pastors and leaders. This is not just another book on vision or church growth. One of my favorites I keep at arm’s reach!” – Brad
Developing Emotionally Mature Leaders: How Emotional Intelligence Can Help Transform Your Ministry
Inspire the very best in your church or organization through the power of emotional intelligence.
“An excellent resource for yourself and those you lead”- David
Being Leaders
Uncover the power of church leadership that is based both on the Bible and your personal context.
“I am a Minister in Training. It is wonderful; beyond my expectations, (and I’m) learning some things about myself”- Dawn
Building Leaders: Blueprints for Developing Leadership at Every Level of Your Church
See the importance of duplicating yourself in order to grow your ministry.
“This is an amazing resource on leadership development. I bought so many books on leadership, but none are so marked up and highlighted as this one.”- Mark
Leading Leaders: Empowering Church Boards for Ministry Excellence
Church boards and connected leadership groups hold one of the keys for ministry excellence.
“A book long overdue!”- David