Building a Disciple-Centric Church: The Role of Primary and Secondary Ministries

Building a Disciple-Centric Church: The Role of Primary and Secondary Ministries

The Church Revitalization Podcast – Episode 226 Everything your church does must be aimed at making and maturing disciples. But not everything your church does is automatically discipleship-centered. This only happens when a church intentionally defines...
Disciple-SHIFT: What Is (and Isn’t) a Discipleship Pathway?

Disciple-SHIFT: What Is (and Isn’t) a Discipleship Pathway?

The Church Revitalization Podcast – Episode 225 Don’t think about discipleship as a thing the church does. Think of discipleship as everything the church should be doing. In Episode 223 of The Church Revitalization Podcast, we talked about the centrality of the...
How to Evaluate Your Church’s Mission Statement

How to Evaluate Your Church’s Mission Statement

The Church Revitalization Podcast – Episode 223 If you were asked, “What is the mandate of the Church,” what would your answer be? It’s an important question because what we believe the answer to be becomes our mission. That which we believe to be preeminent in...
Breaking Free From Sunday Morning Apathy

Breaking Free From Sunday Morning Apathy

The Church Revitalization Podcast – Episode 188 Have you ever looked around your worship center on a Sunday morning, and people aren’t singing along? Or noticed people scrolling their phones during your sermon? Or–the absolute worst–seeing someone start to doze...