The Three People Who Visit Your Website

The Three People Who Visit Your Website

The Church Revitalization Podcast – Episode 268 Guest Author: Derek Maxson I want to invite you to consider how your website helps your church to make disciples.  Our belief at Malphurs Group is that everything the church does should contribute to the...
5 Habits of a Healthy Church

5 Habits of a Healthy Church

The Church Revitalization Podcast – Episode 257 In an era of rapid societal change and shifting cultural norms, many churches find themselves struggling to maintain relevance and vitality. However, some congregations continue to thrive, growing both spiritually...
Building a Disciple-Centric Church: The Role of Primary and Secondary Ministries

Building a Disciple-Centric Church: The Role of Primary and Secondary Ministries

The Church Revitalization Podcast – Episode 226 Everything your church does must be aimed at making and maturing disciples. But not everything your church does is automatically discipleship-centered. This only happens when a church intentionally defines...