How You Can Make a Global Impact

The Church Revitalization Podcast – Episode 218

We mention every week on The Church Revitalization Podcast that we are a non-profit ministry that supports churches around the world. We rarely go into detail on that work, though. Today, on Giving Tuesday, we thought it would be a good time to let you in on some of the upcoming mission projects that we are working on.

It has been an exciting time of global expansion for us since the start of the pandemic. The Lord has blessed us greatly by introducing us to pastors and ministry leaders from all over the world and allowing us to learn about their work and needs. Moreover, allowing us to be of some help, however so small, is the greatest blessing of all. We love Christ’s Church and the role we get to play in building it up to bring the Gospel to the nations.

Here are just some of the mission projects we have coming up in 2024 that you can partner with us in.

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Transforming Church Leadership in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (January 2024)

This mission is crucial as it directly addresses the educational needs of pastors in Ethiopia, a region rich in faith but often lacking in resources for training in theology, leadership development, and strategic church systems. By equipping up to 100 pastors and church planters with advanced training, this project not only enhances the spiritual guidance of many congregations but also establishes a sustainable model for future church development through the mentorship of a native Ethiopian.

To learn more about this project and read more details, download the mission project sheet here.

Revitalizing a Madrid Church for Broader Impact (February 2024): 

The significance of this project lies in its potential to rejuvenate a church in Madrid and transform it into a vibrant center of faith and community outreach. By refocusing on the Great Commission and establishing a clear discipleship pathway, the project will re-energize the church’s mission, creating a ripple effect of positive change throughout the community and serving as a model for other churches in similar situations.

To learn more about this project and read more details, download the mission project sheet here.

Global Ministry Empowerment in Sicily, Italy (March 2024): 

Participation in the International Baptist Churches Mission Leadership Conference is more than just a training event; it’s an opportunity to impact pastors and churches globally. By sharing resources and expertise, this mission helps strengthen ministries across different cultures and contexts, fostering a network of support and collaboration that can respond to the diverse challenges faced by churches around the world.

To learn more about this project and read more details, download the mission project sheet here.

Cultivating Church Leadership in Oaxaca, Mexico (2024): 

The focus on leadership development in El Calvario Church is essential for its continued growth and outreach. As the congregation expands, nurturing a new generation of leaders ensures that the church can effectively meet the growing spiritual and community needs. This project continues our expansion into Spanish-language church support.

To learn more about this project and read more details, download the mission project sheet here.

Empowering Tanzanian Pastors in Mwanza (2024): 

By training 50 pastors in Mwanza, this mission tackles a critical gap in theological education and leadership skills among church leaders in Tanzania. The emphasis on the Great Commission and effective church strategy empowers these pastors to lead more dynamic and impactful ministries, directly contributing to the spiritual and societal well-being of their communities.

To learn more about this project and read more details, download the mission project sheet here.

Nurturing the Burundian Church in Bujumbura (2024): 

This project is a vital lifeline for pastors in Burundi, many of whom have limited access to formal theological training. By equipping these pastors with essential knowledge and skills, the mission strengthens the foundation of the Burundian church, enabling it to better serve and uplift its congregations, which is especially impactful in a country facing various challenges. This project will also train a Burundi national to continue the work there on his own.

To learn more about this project and read more details, download the mission project sheet here.

Shaping Global Church Leadership in Buenos Aires, Argentina (October 2024): 

Our partnership with the Missional International Church network continues at their 2024 Global Gathering in Buenos Aires. This training opportunity is significant for its potential to influence church leadership on an international scale. By sharing insights and strategies for building healthy churches, this mission contributes to a global dialogue on church growth and health, empowering leaders from diverse backgrounds to make a lasting difference in their communities.

To learn more about this project and read more details, download the mission project sheet here.

Christ’s plan for humanity is enacted through His Church. Resourcing and training pastors and church leaders has a direct impact on communities worldwide. Contact us today to start a conversation about partnering to increase the work.

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A.J. Mathieu is the President of the Malphurs Group. He is passionate about helping churches thrive and travels internationally to teach and train pastors to lead healthy disciple-making churches. A.J. lives in the Ft. Worth, Texas area, enjoys the outdoors, and loves spending time with his wife and two sons. Click here to email A.J.

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