We need one another now more than ever. Now is the time to lean in, and know we aren’t alone.

None of us are experts at navigating this COVID-19 crisis. (Anyone who tells you they are is being dishonest.) As church leaders, we are in uncharted waters.

So how can we be best prepared and best serve?

We can learn from one another.

If you receive weekly emails from The Malphurs Group, you’re a part of a network of thousands of church leaders who share a passion for making and maturing disciples.  If you don’t, we’d love to have you!

In this critical moment, we want to help bring you together.

To do this, our team is setting up free Church Leader Huddles.

What is a Church Leader Huddle?

Church Leader Huddles are once-a-week, one-hour Zoom calls with other church leaders like you across the country to share what’s working in leading through COVID-19, what’s not working, and prayer requests.

Who are Church Leader Huddles for?

Because we are limiting the size of Church Leader Huddles, we ask that only lead, senior, executive, or associate-level pastors request to join. These are the leaders making the key decisions and need the most help navigating this crisis. Right now, we are only forming Huddles for North American churches. If possible, we will expand to include international Huddles in the future.

What does it cost to join a Church Leader Huddle?

Absolutely nothing. It’s completely free, and this isn’t a “freemium” plug to ultimately sell a product or service.

What role will TMG Guides play in the Church Leader Huddle?

Well, we will be Guides! We’ll facilitate conversation, ask questions, share what we’re learning, and act as the “host.” But the purpose is to connect you to other leaders—not listen to a lecture from us.

What time will the Church Leadership Huddles meet?

Depending on demand, we will arrange multiple huddles, likely based on timezones. Details will be arranged with the Huddles once the groups are formed.

When will Church Leader Huddles begin meeting, and when will they end?

As soon as we can, hopefully by the end of this week. There is an urgent need for us to learn from one another as this situation is evolving week to week. The Huddles will continue to meet weekly as long as there is a need.

What do I need to do to apply for a Church Leader Huddle?

Just click the button below to register.