Balancing Physical and Digital Ministry

Special Guest: Greg Atkinson

This week, we talked with Greg Atkinson about how we can continue to engage with our congregations online even as some of our churches have begun meeting in-person again. Greg spoke about the disappointment of finding his own church canceling online streaming as they began reopening the doors for Sunday gathering – something we hope doesn’t happen in any other churches.

Greg is the founder of the First Impressions Conference, a professional church secret shopper, and author of several books including the Hospitality Ministry Handbook for Volunteers.

You can watch the video version of the podcast on Facebook or YouTube.

Our latest season of ministry isn’t going away.

Many churches have been streaming Sunday services or making videos available for a long time now. For others, the COVID-19 crisis brought them online for the first time. Regardless of when your church “went online”, there will likely not be a time to stop being online with your worship services, small groups, children’s ministry, youth programming, and others.

Statistics show that approximately 25% of the population may not be comfortable gathering in any crowded space until after a vaccine is developed, which may be months or even years away. As of today (June 2020), there still exists a notable risk for large portions of our population to be exposed to others due to their age or pre-existing medical conditions that make them more vulnerable to complications from an infection such as Coronavirus. For that reason alone, our churches should consider their accessibility online a significant component of the ministry, and continue to work at making it the best experience possible.

We’re here for you and praying for your success. If you’d like to connect with one of us to discuss how we can help your church get further, faster, and with less frustration in making disciples of Jesus, click here now.

A.J. Mathieu is the President of the Malphurs Group. He is passionate about helping churches thrive and travels internationally to teach and train pastors to lead healthy disciple-making churches. A.J. lives in the Ft. Worth, Texas area, enjoys the outdoors, and loves spending time with his wife and two sons. Click here to email A.J.

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